How to Sell Technology & Solutions 👉 Tips from a Pro â™ ď¸Ź

How to Sell Technology & Solutions ~ Tips from a Pro ♠️

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How to Sell Technology & Solutions ~ Tips from a Pro

Let’s face it ~ The reality is that most companies don’t have budgets or are very tight in terms of open to buy (money available to buy) for upgrading to new technology Or to adopt new technologies UNLESS THERE IS A COMPELLING REASON ~ Right !!!

Read my thoughts on how to make them realize that they NEED to go in for your solution.

Here is what you need to do FIRST👇

First and foremost ~ Please realize that you should have CHARMING individuals who are exceptionally talented in terms of talking on any subject with Ease (not just technology), who can befriend the customer, can think above and beyond the clients current business model and its available solutions. Instead be very innovative in his or her mind.

❤️ Having Charming people with tremendous sense of humor & an innovative mind is the key ❤️


Let me give you an example, in times to come you’ll see a lot of self-driven cars in the developed economies ~ you’d agree – Right? UBER will soon start testing Self Driven Taxi services in PA … Its founders like Apple, Google types could see the need to have a service like a taxi, much safer than being driven my a human being; of course they are innovative minds.

Let’s look at the implications based on the above news about UBER, if they succeed in self-driven taxi’s~ you’ll see many accident free taxi’s driving around the world. Now, let’s say your current client is a BIG car insurer like Progressive… they will be losing their business. What can you suggest them to get into??? Well ~ They know and understand INSURANCE ONLY… You on the other hand have dealt with  life insurance companies as well & understand their business model (You’re a kind of a Subject Matter Expert in short ~SME)… You can suggest them to jump the track into insuring life… Show them how to use your technology to leverage them to get in that market …. Soon you’ll see self- driven planes, buses, trucks and god only knows even ocean faring vessels. If you can visualize companies that are going to get hurt with any disruption ~ you have ready clients. Some of these companies don’t see the freight train coming straight at them…You have ready modules to make a fast transition. You know what I am hinting at. Be the guy to suggest, tell them where the world is heading… Soon they’ll be looking forward to your thoughts…

Secondly ~ it doesn’t matter what you know; it matters who you know in terms of customers. If you know the right people, it helps for sure.

Thirdly ~ Please have a SOLID PR effort going (ever heard the expression – the more you tell, the more you sell) …. You may be knowing the latest in technology…. Six months down the road it will become obsolete. So it’s important that the INDUSTRY (all different kind of verticals) views your company as a great INNOVATIVE company ~ that’s the job of the PR person. Money spent on PR is never wasted.

Lastly ~ if you have read books like Built to Last or Good to Great… You’d know that GREAT companies had people who had a very futuristic approach… Case in point, Phillip Morris v/s RJ Reynold…. Phillip Morris had 1% business overseas and the man in-charge of 99% business in the USA was known to be very innovative. At the behest of his CEO (forgetting his name) ~ he was transferred to take care of the overseas business. He was not sure, if he was being punished or downgraded or what had gone wrong. But, the innovative guy that he was. He prevailed and he introduced Phillip Morris in Europe and soon Marlboro was the No. 1 brand in Europe, before it was in the USA. You got the general drift ~ right.

Other than above 👇

·      Your best bet is to showcase your company’s talent in getting the new technology implemented in the fastest possible time and as smooth as silk …. It helps your customer to move forward & buy your technology. Whether you’re up selling or cross selling.. Or straight selling…

·         If you can do the math for the clients for anything that you are selling….. Tell them that if you spend X amount you are bound to get Y amount in additional sales (for instance SEO packages or buying key words or for doing Google advertising)….. I’m saying it in simple terms ~ you got the general drift…

Show them  the 👇

Adoption Rate–How many people have already started using this technology & Utilization Rate–How often is this solution used; compared to prior solutions (showcase only if there are more users of the new technology than the previous one).

These days Cloud is HOT…. Here is something worth pondering 👇

Today’s technology is shifting toward cloud computing and storage ~ right? Tell them the advantages of cloud computing & splitting their cloud storage with different providers & its benefits…. any new advancement in any technology with lets say Azure will automatically be passed to you.. They are all busy upgrading their offerings ~ much more than you could have thought it to be. All major companies like Pepsi, Coke etc. have split their storage for above reason.

TRUST ~ I don’t think any CEO or for that matter even a layman would disagree with me ~ if I said that being TRUSTED is a powerful asset for any relationship. It makes more sense ~ if you are in business, you would want your customers, employees, shareholders, the regulators, the man on the street and media to trust you, rather than the other way around ~ Correct. We can relate to trust because we exercise it all the time in our daily lives too. Think about our willingness to pay more for ORGANIC VEGETABLES because we believe that they are specially grown produce (pesticide free etc.) and are better for our health (that’s Trust right there). And in my case, my faith in the US retailer Macy’s, on their promise of No-Questions-Asked-Refunds for returned goods. I can buy anything & then go back to return it – for any reason ~ You get the general drift – Right !!!!

I used to be a buyer as well as a person who sat on the other side of the table too 👉 NOTE MY WORDS 👉 Buyers (including myself) have a tendency to select people whom they can count on or TRUST; individuals who’ll go that few extra miles for the buyer, if the buyer needs help of any sort, they just need to ask and it’ll be done ~ one way or another.. Sometime the buyer has NO BUDGET, but may wants an additional module .. Now ~ if you can do it free of charge… Your charming personality will result in Friendship ….Small favors on both end ALWAYS take place… You are on solid ground ~ If you are being treated as a friend PERIOD. Now you have a following that is good for you & your employer !!

Business decision-makers ~ Don’t want to feel as if, they are getting Run-of-the-mill sales pitch from companies while they are learning about new products and/or services being offered. As a Sales professional you need to research the company and provide specific examples ~ on how the new tools can positively impact the client’s business. Personalizing the sales approach helps turn leads into new clients.

Remember 👉 If the buyer has a choice, all things remaining same; it boils down to dealing with Mr. X gives me a certain comfort level (in the mind of the buyer)…I mean that person could be your VP Sales or Business Development Manager – Anyone who is on the buying side thinks👉 they can count on…irrespective of the title… Bigger the title, better the image of you/company in the eyes of the client!!! You got the drift ~ Right…

In the IT World 👉 Customers like companies who can foresee pain points and think of solutions (essentially even before they can visualize, they like you because you are doing their job & so much so ~ that they’ll even ask you to prepare a tender for them ~ I’ve seen it happen).

I read somewhere “The next digital ❤️GOLD RUSH❤️ will be focused on how you do something with data, not just what you do with it. This is the promise of the ALGORITHM economy”.

Going a bit off track ~ I have a US patent pending and in the last 4+ years while taking care of my sick mother in India. I developed 2 most technologically advanced innovative products. One of them addresses a global pain point and has a ready bigger market than that of an iPhone (Solves a pain point of about USD 32 Billion in the USA alone ~ now guess the saving across the globe). I am trying to tie up with Apple for that product. The other thought came after MH 370 disappeared. The other product is a great innovation that will make airplanes safer. My device will tell you exactly where was plane was till it went down (Hint ~ 40 years ago black boxes were top of the line technology). I am trying to patch up with Boeing and Airbus types to use my technology. Both are high tech products and soon I will be applying for US patents for them too. I don’t know how to do coding but I think of solutions using technology… I read, research a lot, can sit and talk technology.

📢 Bottom line👉 Clients like people who don’t say in my opinion, but say here is the data to support what I think is right, who understand technology, visualize pain points and can think of solutions; at the same time be fun to talk to, hang around and can be TRUSTED.

❤️ Good Luck !

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